Representatives of the National Rally joined Eric Jemmore, who continues to reduce Marine Le Pen

The fratricidal war is getting tougher on the far right: Eric Jemmore continues to hunt down…

the presence of mouches and dodors sortant dune fined to attain the police

Published on 22 January 2022 à 11h32 Par Sudinfo avec AFP In my oblige fil 11…

One month after his defeat, the Trump camp is preparing to seize the election machinery

The document, which explodes from the National Archives, highlights the radical actions of the former Republican…

Zemmour: A campaign in the air hole

Arriving in Nice on Friday morning, the far-right candidate, Alpes-Maritimes, embarks on a journey to Menton…

The Islamic State attacked a large prison in Syria and freed the jihadists

Posted on Thursday, January 20, 2022 at 9:47 pm. By Sudinfo with AFP The Islamic State…

Uprising in Washington: Donald Trump’s daughter summoned to testify before a parliamentary committee

This is the first time a member of the Trump family has been directly asked to…

Nightclubs, culture, telework … France is preparing to eliminate anti-Govt

The French government’s spokesman, Prime Minister Jean Costex, has announced that he will hold a press…

USA: The Supreme Court has set back on Trump in the trial over the attack on Capitol.

On January 6, 2021, the US Supreme Court rejected the way to transfer documents related to…

Against Delta, past infections will protect more than the vaccine | International spread of corona virus

Against the delta variant, those who have not been vaccinated against Govt-19 before are better protected…

“President of Contempt”, “Climate Inactive President”: Macron fired from critics in European Parliament

On January 1, France officially accepted the chairmanship of the EU Council for a period of…