Zemmour: A campaign in the air hole

Arriving in Nice on Friday morning, the far-right candidate, Alpes-Maritimes, embarks on a journey to Menton and Antibes, before a meeting in Cannes on Saturday, hoping he will gather 4,000 people at the Palais des Victoria.

He will not fail to show his new men who have been abused by his rival Marine Le Pen (RN): MEP Jerome Riviere and former identity leader Damien Reu who praised the candidate’s “courage”.

In the summer of 2020, after many of the most publicized cases in the region, including Deol-sur-Mer (Alps-Maritimes), Eric Zemmor wants to talk about the “squats scandal.” The illegal occupation of a second home for retirees from Lyon caused a stir and led to a change in the law.

Will his journey be hampered like Coles on Wednesday? Some calls for a demonstration have been circulating on social media.

“These are not calls for demonstrations. My meetings, the extreme left, the so-called antifa + that threaten my travels,” the candidate said in an interview with Nice-Matt. “They want to kill me,” he says.

The trip follows eight difficult days for a former debater, initiated by Bronca, for his comments against the “hysteria of enrolling” students with disabilities at school. In sets, the candidate wins again! She spent the week begging each child to find solutions tailored to the traditional school environment or specialized institutions, qualifying for its publication.

On CNews 2020, when he was the channel’s star columnist, he was fined 10,000 10,000 on Monday for inciting hatred after comments about unsupported immigrant minors in 2020.

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Later on Thursday, a Paris court rejected his request for dismissal at another trial, after Marshall Beaten argued in 2019 on CNews that he had “saved” French Jews, in opposition to the crime against humanity. However, the court’s ruling will be handed down shortly after the presidential election. The court acquitted him in the first instance, citing comments made by “Cuff of the Cuff” during a debate on the war in Syria.

In Eric Zemmour’s view, “Justice is an instrument. (…) They want to repeat the tactic of Franுவாois Fillon. .

“I always stand by my words and historically I know what I say is right,” he said.

“Macron pulls it off”

On Wednesday, candidate Gallas and the former “jungle” chose the windmill to offer their views on Europe, accuse it of “immigration invasion” and respond remotely to Emmanuel Macron’s intervention in the European Parliament.

But his journey ended hastily in the neighboring town of Mark. About thirty auxiliary and anti-fascist activists protested in front of Bistro, where he exchanged views with police “representatives.”

Before leaving through a back door and returning to Paris, the candidate suspects that Kஸ்les sent journalists to “extreme left-wing activists” to disrupt his arrival, a “coalition”. His entourage claims to have lodged a complaint against the “identified journalist”.

A trip reminiscent of some during his pre-campaign, including a trip to Marseille in November, ended up exchanging the middle finger with an opponent.

On the poll page, Eric Jemmore has fallen a bit. Within 80 days of the first round, he was gaining 12 to 14% of the vote in favor of Valerie Beckress (LR) and Marine Le Pen (approximately 17 and 18%) and appeared to be out of Emmanuel Macron (LREM, 24). -25%).

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“This time, Macron succeeds in instrumentalizing the health crisis,” he says, referring to his entourage. “The day it lands on the Govt side …”.

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