Corona virus: Explosion of cases registered in China, millions of people have been imprisoned

Due to the increase in lawsuits across the country, authorities have closed Shanghai schools, locked up…

Ukrainian conflict: The Polish mayor who insulted Salvini did not regret anything

Earlier in the week, he was greeted with a special gift: a T-shirt depicting President Putin,…

War in Ukraine: Russian forces surround Kiev and block Mariupol (live)

“The enemy is still blocking Mariupol,” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky said on Friday evening. “Russian troops…

Putin calls on Syrians to fight in Ukraine: Do you accept weakness?

Russia announced on Friday that Syrians could step in to fight Ukrainian forces in response to…

The West is concerned about the threat of chemical weapons in Ukraine: “Vladimir Putin did not enter to lose this war”

The United States and Britain have been saying since Wednesday that Russia could use chemical weapons…

War in Ukraine (live): Gelensky accuses Moscow of “attacking” the humanitarian corridor towards Mariupol, and Putin orders the convenience of sending “volunteer” fighters to Ukraine.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky has accused the Russian military of blocking the evacuation of civilians. Surrounded…

Russian foreigners are fighting alongside Ukrainians against their own country

They are fighting in their own way, torn between their homeland and their adopted country, and…

After two weeks of conflict in Ukraine, the Russians are in a state of panic and despair

In Moscow, narrow liberal circles opposed to military intervention know that they must be careful. The…

War in Ukraine: US warns against Russia’s use of weapons of mass destruction

Washington accuses Moscow and Beijing of spreading “lies” about US biological and chemical weapons laboratories in…

Affected hospital, Polish planes, sanctions … This is the point of the war on March 9 in Ukraine

Nearly two weeks into the Russian invasion of Ukraine, fighting continues across the country. At least…