Corona virus worldwide: Finland and Sweden lift deregulation in mid-February, lawsuits erupt in Russia

Finland removes restrictions from mid-February

The government announced on Wednesday that Finland would lift many of its Govt-19 restrictions, including measurements for cultural and sporting events, from February 14, and plans to completely eliminate anti-Govt activities by March 1. In addition to the measurements, restaurants and bars, which currently have to stop selling liquor at 8pm, can be served from mid-February until 11pm.

However, nightclubs will remain closed until March 1 and all restrictions on restaurants and bars will be lifted, Prime Minister Channa Marin told a news conference.

Wearing a mask or even social exclusion is recommended beyond this date.

On Wednesday, the Nordic nation of 5.5 million people crossed the milestone of half a million Kovid-19 infections and had more than 2,000 virus-related deaths since the outbreak began.

Sweden removes all anti-Govt health restrictions

Swedish media on Wednesday evening reported that Sweden, like its Danish and Norwegian neighbors, is preparing to lift all restrictions linked to the corona virus from February 9. The health care situation, the low risk of the Omicron variant and the vaccination rate of the population justify this decision to be announced by the government tomorrow / Thursday. On Tuesday, Denmark became the first EU country to lift all restrictions on the corona virus, except for international travel. It was later followed by neighboring Norway. Many countries in Europe have begun to leave.

Switzerland predicts local goiter disease and plans to remove all restrictions

Switzerland hopes the Covit-19 crisis will enter its local and highly manageable phase and plans to remove all health restrictions by mid-February. “Of course the epidemic is not over, but we are seeing light on the horizon,” Swiss Confederation President Ignacio Casis told a news conference on Wednesday.

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Signs of an immediate end to the crisis are mounting, underscoring a government press release announcing the “striking out of sight of the onset of the epidemic phase”, the isolation of contact cases and the abolition of the duty to work from February 3.

Mr. Cassis took the opportunity to remind that this new phase is only possible with vaccination and called for some caution.

“The end of the crisis does not mean the end of the virus. We are learning to live with it,” the former cantonal physician underlined, specifically referring to the possible severity of Govt-19, such as the flu.

Traditionally in the Alpine country, the council began consulting with regions, representatives of civil society and elected officials, especially until February 9, on easing the remaining activities.

The total removal will take effect from February 17, thus eliminating the obligation to issue health passes at restaurants and cultural venues, as well as restrictions on the wearing of masks and meetings in public transport and stores, both private and public.

If the situation is still uncertain on February 16, the council plans to proceed with the easing in two phases.

However, victims should continue to be isolated.

The Federal Council is based on its relatively optimistic “positive development of the environment in hospitals” despite the fact that the pollution rate in the country is recorded.

From Tuesday to Wednesday, there were nearly 41,000 new infections in the country of 8.6 million people.

ICU bed accommodation continued to decline due to the government’s “high population immunity due to vaccination or previous infection” and the fact that the Omicron variant “causes less severe complications than other types”.

On Tuesday, Denmark became the first country in Europe to lift all its restrictions. But on the same day, the WHO boss considered announcing the victory against Govt “in advance”.

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The Czech Supreme Court has overturned a rule allowing only those who have been vaccinated to access Horeka

The Czech Supreme Court on Wednesday rejected a ruling that would only allow hotels and restaurants to have people who have been vaccinated against the corona virus or have a certificate of recovery. “The purpose of this action should not be to indirectly force citizens to be vaccinated,” the judges condemned. People should not be considered contagious until they show symptoms.

The Supreme Court gave the Czech government a week to amend the measure. In practice, however, the rule is rarely enforced.

The Omigron variant on Wednesday caused 57,195 new infections in the country, while 9,775 recurrence cases were registered. The seven-day event currently has 2,483 infections per 100,000 population.

Outbreak of lawsuits in Russia

Russian officials pointed out on Wednesday that despite a dramatic increase in the number of cases in this country, which has been badly vaccinated, they have not considered new controls against the Kovit-19 epidemic.

The number of new cases reached 141,883 on Wednesday, up from about 30,000 two weeks ago, according to official figures. The number of new deaths remains low, however, with 678 deaths on Wednesday against nearly 1,200 at the peak of the previous wave of this fall.

Australia refuses to import cow dung to Tonga Islands

An Australian defense official on Wednesday assured that a warship providing aid to the Tongan islands in the aftermath of the volcanic eruption and tsunami was not evidence of the first cases of Kovit-19.

The Australian ship HMAS Adelaide arrived last week in the capital, Nuku’aloba, to unload aid despite discovering the source of the pollution among the crew.

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The kingdom of 100,000 people was by then one of the few countries free from the virus.

France lifted restrictions

The French government on Wednesday began easing the daily lives of the French population with restrictions linked to Covit-19, while saying it was “vigilant” for the future when hospital pressures were strong.

From this Wednesday onwards, wearing a mask outside will not be mandatory, and measurements in public seating areas (stadiums, cultural institutions, etc.) will be dropped and teleworking will not be charged, but only recommended.

… but declares a state of emergency in New Caledonia

In New Caledonia, on the other hand, the French government has declared a state of health emergency, which includes measures to restrict travel outside the home. The South Pacific archipelago has, for a long time, experienced the second wave of pollution of the Omicron variant since January.

More than 5.68 million people have died

The epidemic has officially killed at least 5,686,108 people worldwide since the end of December 2019, according to a report founded by AFP at 11:00 GMT on Wednesday.

The United States (890,770) has the highest mortality rate than Brazil (628,067), India (497,975) and Russia (332,690).

In terms of population, the worst affected countries are Peru, with 625 deaths per 100,000 population, followed by Bulgaria (480), Bosnia (442), Hungary (429), and Montenegro (409).

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the number of deaths, directly and indirectly linked to Govt-19, may be two to three times higher than officially established.

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