Ukraine is preparing for the fall of Mariupol and Russian invasion of the east

In Washington, a senior Pentagon official confirmed that Russian forces were strengthening around Donbass, especially near the strategic city of Isiam.

We have seen the efforts of the Russians to re-supply and strengthen the Donbass. This officer, in particular, referred to the column of tanks north of the Isiom.

Putin “in the logic of war”

On the diplomatic front, Austrian President Carl Nehmer, the first European official to visit Moscow since the invasion of Ukraine, met with Russian President Vladimir Putin. He said he was “pessimistic” about his “logic of war.”

“We must not have illusions. President Putin has largely entered into the logic of war, and he acts accordingly.” Hoping to record “a quick military victory”, he added. “The Russian side is not much interested in a direct meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky.”

“We did the possible and the impossible”

“Today Probably the last battle In Mariupol “Because our ammunition is depleted”The 36th Regiment of the National Navy of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, fighting on the city, was besieged and heavily destroyed by the Russian military for more than 40 days, according to a Facebook post on Monday.

It will be death for some of us and imprisonment for some. We do not know what’s going on, but we ask that you remember (us) with a kind word. “The 36th Regiment asked the Ukrainians.

“For more than a month, we fought back without ammunition, without food, without water,” he said. Done “Possible and Impossible”In reference to that, this unit was added “Half” Injury to its joints.

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The Russians have been besieging Mariupol for several weeks, and its capture will allow them to consolidate their regional gains along the coast of the Azov Sea, which was annexed by Moscow in 2014, annexing the Donbass region to the Crimean peninsula. .

Mariupol “completely destroyed”

The leader of the pro-Russian separatists in Donetsk said on Monday that his forces had completely captured the port area of ​​Mariupol. “As for the port of Mariupol, it is already under our control.”Denis Bushlin said live on the Russian channel Pervy Kanal.

“I first found the strength to say” Ukrainian forces can not free Mariupol. “It simply came to our notice then“Oleksiï Arestovitch, adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, announced on Youtube on Sunday evening.

Volodymyr Zhelensky said he had Russia “Completely destroyed” Mariupol, and he feared that Tens of thousands of people Destroyed there.

Donbass, Priority Purpose

Ukrainian forces continue to strengthen their positions in the east this weekend, around Donbass and in the region, part of which has been controlled by pro-Russian separatists since 2014.

After cutting its plans and withdrawing its troops from the Kyiv region and northern Ukraine, Moscow aims for the overall success of the Donbass.

Analysts believe that Vladimir Putin, embroiled in fierce Ukrainian opposition, wants a victory in the region ahead of a military parade in Red Square on May 9 to mark the Soviet victory over the Nazis.

“Next week”, “Russian troops will move to even bigger operations in the East,” Mr said on Sunday. Zelensky warned.

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1222 bodies in the Kiev region

The search for the bodies continues near Kiev, which has been occupied by the Russian military for several weeks. “To date, 1,222 people have been killed in the Kyiv region alone.”Attorney General Irina Venedikova said Sunday.

He did not specify whether the bodies were exclusively civilian bodies, but said he had opened investigations into 5,600 war crimes, including Potsdam, since the start of the Russian invasion.

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