Trapped in a “partygate”, Boris Johnson fights for his political survival

Boris Johnson, who has been targeted by calls for his majority to resign, is fighting Thursday to retain the post of prime minister in Great Britain for a banquet on Downing Street in 2020.

The 57-year-old Conservative leader, already embroiled in a series of scandals, apologized in parliament on Wednesday for attending a banquet in the garden of his official residence on May 20, 2020, thinking it was a working meeting. .

The incident came at a shocking time for the British, who had been invited by his private secretary with advice to bring their bottles to about 100 people. In the midst of the first wave of Govt-19, only two were allowed out and many Britons were unable to say goodbye to their dying loved ones.

Immediately, Labor-led opposition, accusing him of lying, demanded his resignation, while members of his government backed him on Twitter or in the media.

However, the issue was not unanimous among the conservative factions, who until recently praised the leader’s charismatic ability, with the promise of achieving Brexit, the working class in the north of England, previously taken over by Labor.

– “Dead” –

Finance Minister Rishi Sunak, who is considered a viable candidate for the PM’s job, was widely commented on on Thursday over the overwhelming support given to him by a heavyweight in the administration.

The leader, who traveled to Devon (southwest England), faced the wrath of MPs, Mr. Sunak took eight hours to stand in line behind Boris Johnson, in a tweet he stressed his own commitment to employment in the UK.

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While waiting for the results of the internal investigation led by senior official Sue Gray, he calmly said, “I support his request that the Prime Minister apologize and be patient.”

In political circles, some compare this distant support to John Major’s decision not to side with Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who won the party’s leadership race in 1990.

Next week is expected to be better, and if the police do not take their turn in this case, the results of this internal investigation are now designed to be decisive for Boris Johnson’s fate.

Recognizing the cracks in the party’s unity, insurgency erupts among the Scottish Conservatives, who consider his post unacceptable, and the Tory MPs in Westminster.

Like Roger Gale, Boris Johnson is a “living dead”, with some elected officials pushing the Conservative Party to oust the leader in open support of a no-confidence vote.

“I think the position of the Prime Minister is unacceptable and the decisions of one official should not be allowed to determine the future of the Prime Minister,” said another deputy, William Wroc, vice-chairman of the powerful “Committee 1922”, in charge. For the parliamentary system for training. “This decision has to be made by the Conservative Party, if not the Prime Minister,” he told the BBC.

The scandal comes on the heels of other revelations about parties and pro-corruption allegations held in power circles during lockdowns over the past two years.

Boris Johnson, who came to power with victory in July 2019, has since seen his long-term popularity plummet. The poll conducted by Yukov for the Times before his apology gives Labor a huge ten-point lead, for the first time in almost a decade.

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On Thursday, the leader escaped from the view of the cameras and questions from the media: in the case of Govt’s contact, he canceled his scheduled visit to the vaccination center.

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