In an interview with the Journal of Demanse, the health minister put forward a phrase of confidence: “This fifth wave will probably be the last.” He was imbued with the sentiment of Alain Fischer, who in France equated himself with Marc van Ronst, where “Echoes” did not hesitate to nickname him the “Mansier vaccine”. Both are dependent Studies Recently made in South Africa, United Kingdom and Denmark.
Three countries severely affected by the Omicron variant. “These studies suggest that the number of people admitted to Omigron Hospital is reduced by 2 or 3 or 4 factors,” Alain Fischer underscores. Who continues, still in the “Echoes” paragraphs: “This is huge. We already have the assurance that it will be Less severe That delta; Probably less so than its predecessor Alpha. He concludes with his fingers crossed: “Omigran may mark the beginning of evolution toward less radical variations, so history will gradually give us refuge.
⁇ Keert Molenberg, a biological statistician working at the universities of Leuven and Hazselt, is less optimistic.
: “This is likely to be true but …”
“Omigron plays the role of a vaccine”: Yves Van Laethem expresses his opinion here
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