This is an update on the epidemic on January 28th

New Activities, New Reports, and Highlights: An update on the latest developments in the Govt-19 epidemic worldwide.

More than 660,000 people have died in Russia

Russia has recorded more than 660,000 Kovit-related deaths since the outbreak, according to the Russian Statistics Agency (Rosstad).

Iceland / Finland: Gradual deregulation

Iceland plans to lift all its Govt-19 restrictions by mid-March, the culmination of a three-step relaxation plan presented by the government on Friday. From midnight on Friday, the volume for public meetings will increase from 10 to 50 people, bars, restaurants and nightclubs will be reopened until midnight and the social distance rule will be reduced to one meter instead of two.

For its part, the Finnish government has announced that some restrictions will be lifted sooner than expected as pressure on the health system eases.

Merck’s tablet “Active“Against Omigron

Merck’s Govt tablet remains “Active“Against the Omicron variant, the U.S. agency said Friday that it was based on the results of six laboratory studies.

The treatment, called molnupravir, is an antiviral drug that should be given as soon as symptoms appear and taken for five days to prevent the virus from spreading again.

A compromise on patents “In the coming weeks“(OMC)

“A compromise can be found between rich countries and developing countries in raising patents for vaccines against Kovit-19.Next weeks“, Was assessed by the Director General of the WTO Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala in Paris on Friday.

France: Record growth in 2021

After the historic recession of 2020 caused by the health crisis, the French economy grew by 7% in 2021, with unprecedented growth for 52 years, and surpassed its pre-crisis level by the end of the year.

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China: A new city defined before the Olympics

The decision, made just days before the start of the Winter Olympics (February 4-20), comes after a series of events in Kovit-19, this week when Chinese authorities, tactfully, partially controlled a large new city near Beijing.

About 1.2 million people living in the Xiong’an New area, 100 kilometers south of the capital, have been barred from entering or leaving their residential areas.

The Philippines is reopening its borders to vaccinated people

Authorities announced Friday that the Philippines will reopen its borders to vaccinated tourists and eliminate the need for segregation from February 10.

France: No synthetic antibodies

The French pharmaceutical agency ANSM said on Friday that it had rejected a request for approval for synthetic antibodies against Covit-19, manufactured by the French company Cenothera.Interested in treatment“It has been proven at this point.

Positive test for Paralympic Committee Chairman

International Paralympic Committee (IPC) President Andrew Parsons announced on Friday that he had tested positive for Covit-19 and would not travel to Beijing for the 2022 Olympics.

Congo: Public Force for Vaccine Recovery

Congolese President Denis Sasso Nusso on Friday called on the police, gentry and soldiers who have been 99% vaccinated against Kovit-19 to raise awareness among the general population that the overall vaccine coverage is more than 10%.

More than 5.63 million people have died

The Govt-19 epidemic has killed at least 5.63 million people worldwide since the end of December 2019, according to a report established by the AFP from official sources on Friday afternoon.

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The United States has the highest death toll at 8,78,467, followed by Brazil (625,085), India (492,327) and Russia (329,443).

Taking into account the high number of deaths directly and indirectly linked to Kovit-19, the World Health Organization estimates that the number of infections may be two to three times higher than officially recorded.

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