The funeral of the Nazis shocked Italy

The video taken in front of the church of Santa Lucia in Rome shocked Italy. The funeral of Alessia Augello, an activist of the neo-fascist group Forza Nuova, was held there on Monday, January 10. During the procession, the Nazi flag was displayed on the coffin of the deceased. That video was posted on the site Italian Open News.

Vincenzo Nordulli, one of the leaders of the neo-fascist group, also attended. Riley Republic. Just before closing the coffin with the swastika flag, a man shouted “Comrade Alicia Agello” to which everyone responded in a chorus: “Present!” (Currently!), Roman saluting. It is about the funeral rites of the Italian neo-fascist “comrades” while paying tribute to the dead fighters.

Two priests Expressed their anger In the press: “Unfortunately, at the end of the celebration we prayed for what was seen outside the church and consoled relatives and friends (…), not knowing what was going on, which happened without any approval from the church priest or the celebrating priest. Will happen. We express our deepest sorrow and frustration “, They follow the priests, reminding them that the gestures and symbols used by these militants come from ideologies. “Extremists are far removed from the gospel message of Christ“.

The Roman diocese condemned “radical ideological instrumentation.”

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