Polar cold strikes east of country, record electricity consumption in Quebec

Freezing temperatures hit eastern Canada and especially Quebec, where electricity consumption was recorded on Tuesday.

In Montreal, Mercury dropped to -24.9 degrees on Tuesday morning, and streets and parks will be busy with athletes in all weathers.

Extreme temperature warnings have been issued by Environment Canada for many parts of eastern Canada, including Quebec, Ontario, New Brunswick and Newfoundland and Labrador.

This is not the exception, but being cold is not very common“, Canadian environmental meteorologist Simon Legalt explained to AFP, according to whose cubes”Not really accustomed to the cold“.

In the old port district of Montreal, a stone’s throw from the city center, which is generally a tourist district, but affected by the new health measures due to Govt-19, some visitors bravely face the cold.

Pierre Lapalme, 75, is well-wrapped under his hood and hat and remembers that this kind of winter was customary in his youth.Cool than that“.

I have the idea that this is global warming, and we can now clearly see that winter is colder than it was in the 60s or 70s.“, He explains to AFP.

At 8:00 a.m. Tuesday, the Cubs consumed 39,900 megawatts, a complete record. In the paradigm dated January 22, 2014, 39,031 MW of consumption was recorded.

This was the moment when consumption was highest in the history of Hydro-QuebecCendrix Bouchard, a spokeswoman for the Quebec State Agency, told AFP.

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