The capsule was discovered for the second time under the statue of the American Federation

“They found her!”, A week after the first capsule was opened, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam disappointed experts.

“Probably the time capsule that everyone is looking for,” he added, adding photos of a thirty-centimeter-long rectangular metal box to his post.

The governor said the box would not be opened on Monday, and experts would like to inspect it first.

The time capsule is a container containing the objects or documents of an era designed for future generations.

It was discovered in 1890 under the pedestal of the horse statue of General Robert Lee, leader of the Confederate Army that defended slavery during the Civil War (1861-1865) in Richmond, the former separatist capital of Virginia.

The statue, which was seen by many Americans as a symbol of the country’s slavery, was removed in September, against the backdrop of questioning Confederate monuments.

After the statue was removed, experts began searching for a mysterious time capsule placed on its pedestal in 1887, which was believed to contain civil war memorials such as buttons or bullets, the Confederacy coin, a Bible, but above all a photograph. Showing President Abraham Lincoln in his coffin is a clich presented as a historic bombshell that will panic the collector’s market.

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A first box was dug up, and then Mr. Northam carefully opened it, but it contained only a cloth envelope with three books and a photograph on it, all damaged by water, and an unknown coin.

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