Party on Downing Street during Imprisonment: Boris Johnson Offers His “Apology”

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who is accused of attending a party in the gardens of Downing Street in full blockade, explained himself in extreme tension during a question-and-answer session before parliament on Wednesday.

In the overheated House of Commons, the head of the Conservative government said he believed the May 20, 2020 event in the garden of his official residence was a working meeting.

At that time, in the midst of the first wave of Govt-19, only two people were allowed outside and many Britons were unable to say goodbye to their dying loved ones, so more than 100 people were invited with instructions to bring a drink to the level of anger that provoked the event.

Boris Johnson explained that if the event was considered to be “technically” within the rules, the British ‘view of being barred from meeting their relatives would be completely different. He said I apologize from the bottom of my heart. He said he would take “responsibility” for the “mistakes” he made.

Khair Stormer, a Labor opposition leader who accused Boris Johnson of “lying like a toothpick”, called the prime minister’s defense “very ridiculous” and considered it an “insult” to the British. “Would he have the honor to resign now?” he said.

Scottish separatists from the SNP and the Liberal Democrats have also called for his departure. At this point, Boris Johnson referred to an internal investigation led by senior officer Sue Gray.

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Two years after his historic election victory, Boris Johnson’s popularity has plummeted in recent months.

Faced with a series of revelations late last year about parties organized in power circles in violation of health rules to fight the corona virus in 2020, he has seen allegations tighten in recent days.

The ITV channel revealed on Monday evening that there was an email sent to 100 people by the Prime Minister’s Secretary-General Martin Reynolds on May 20, 2020. Issued a call to “bring your bottles” and “take advantage”. Nice weather when drinking wine “with a community break” in the garden of the Prime Minister’s House.

Thirty or forty people have responded to the call, according to the press, including the head of government and his fianc மனைவிe Gary, whom he soon married.

Anger is mounting within the ruling Conservative Party, and party leader Douglas Rose in Scotland has called for Boris Johnson to resign if found guilty of violating the rules. According to the media, it is not a question of whether Boris Johnson should step down from power anymore, but some believe when.

“Johnson loses Tory support,” the Conservative Daily Telegraph headlined on Wednesday, while the popular Daily Mail wondered if the “party for prime minister” was over.

Aside from the holidays, his reputation was tarnished by suspicions that he was financing the luxury renovation of his company’s apartment, awarding contracts between friends during epidemics, or being accused of favoritism.

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If he continues to refuse to leave, a no-confidence vote within the party, 54 letters should be triggered, would be enough to overthrow him. Impossible in the immediate future, this option is not restricted among conservatives, who are reluctant to bother with leaders in turmoil and prefer Finance Minister Rishi Sunak or diplomatic leader Liz Truss.

If this crisis of respect for the rules seems too serious for Boris Johnson, it is far from the first.

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