Panic in the British monarchy after the execution of Kisline Maxwell? Prince Andrew’s Lawyers Urgent Meeting!

Prince Andrew’s lawyers are said to have held a close meeting following the conviction of Kislyn Maxwell on five of the six charges against him during a sexual abuse trial in New York on Wednesday evening (local time). The jury on Thursday ruled that there was evidence that Maxwell had appointed women for his ex-boyfriend and sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, who had been friends with Prince Andrew between 1994 and 2004.

At the judicial level, nothing has changed for the prince, the ninth in line to the British throne. But “on the other hand, to a certain extent, everything has changed, of course in terms of public perception,” Johnny Diamond commented on the BBC’s state correspondent on the radio: “Kisline Maxwell has been a friend to many (of her) for years.” According to the newspaper’s Daily Mail’s website, experts say the move could be “not good news” for Queen Elizabeth’s second son and could bring the royal family into disrepute.

The girl is suing Prince Andrew for sexual abuse

Prince Andrew in New York is being prosecuted for sexually abusing a victim of American billionaire Virginia Gufrey, a fact that has always been controversial. He and his co-defendants did not appear at the trial of Kisline Maxwell.

Twenty years ago, the prince was charged with three counts of possession of property by Kisline Maxwell in London and a businessman in New York and the Virgin, in a case of “sexual abuse” of the then Ms. Quefre. Islands.

Prince Andrew denies all charges. In an interview with the BBC in November 2019, he sought to defend himself in what was considered a disaster, where he expressed no regrets or even the slightest remorse for the victims for his friendship with Epstein. Despite his refusal, his association with the American businessman plunged him into turmoil and forced him to retire from public life.

On Wednesday, he and his lawyers came up with a new plan to escape prosecution. According to Andrew’s lawyers, Kiefrey does not actually live in the United States, but lives in Australia. Therefore, his legal action is invalid. Ms. Gufrey said she lives in Colorado, USA. One of his lawyers responded to the prince’s new legal strategy. This has been described as “another difficult attempt” to torpedo the investigation.

Earlier, Andrew’s lawyers said Kiefre was seventeen years old when he was allegedly abused and that a person in New York City was of sexual age. Therefore, according to Prince Andrew’s lawyers, it is necessary to prove that Mrs. Quefre was forced to have sex with the Prince against her will.

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