“Macron, we are cheating you!”: More than 100,000 French people take to the streets against the vaccine pass

Macron, Ann de Emmerde!“: Decided a few days after the broken announcements of Emmanuel Macron”Biz off“Non-vaccinated, post-vaccine and anti-vaccine passers-by have hit the sidewalks in several cities in France, renewing large-scale mobilizations.

The Interior Ministry announced 105,200 participants across France, four times the number of 25,500 on December 18 in the previous mobilization.

In Paris, the most important demonstration was the rally of several thousand people at the invitation of the patriots of the pro-Brexit presidential candidate Florian Filippot, who restored the status of the mobilization this summer when the health pass was announced.

The vaccine pass bill, which was approved by delegates on Thursday, is due to be passed before the Senate next week.

All the French are in the cross chair of Macron’s madness

Macron, we do not want your pass“,”Abandon children“Protesters chanted, many of them carrying French flags, some in the middle of the floor-de-lis.”If the law is passed, he will no longer be able to go to school and work“The 17-year-old is afraid of the crowd, close to the ideas of Florian Philip, does not like”Vaccination during testing“.

The 57-year-old librarian declares himself instead. “Green“And the melancholyist, she said to herself.”Trouble“Mr. Philip’s person. But he wanted to protest.”Pass becoming a disguised vaccine duty“When Vaccines Are Produced According to It”Side effects“.

The demonstration, which began at the Place to Boyce Royal, took the form of a political rally, with many far-right figures in support of the protesters: via video message, Marine Le Pen’s daughter-in-law, Marion Marchell, a very conservative. Jean-Frédéric Poisson, backed by Eric Zemorin or former adviser to Donald Trump Steve Bonan.

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Everyone who is vaccinated has a future that is not vaccinated“Due to having to carry one or more reminders”All French people are in the cross chair of the liberal stupidity of the Macron madness“, In his speech Florian criticized Philip.

A police circle described the meeting. “TenseIt also identified the level of mobilization at the beginning of summer, as it did at the Boulevard de l’Hôpital (southeast of Paris) on the initiative of yellow lingerie.

“Respect Vaccine”

In Lyon, a small crowd of demonstrators wearing small masks of all ages gathered in a well-lit environment in the town of Place Bellegore. Some of them are “yellow underwear”, tricolor flags and red of CGD. Slogans condemning “social racism” and poses against President Emmanuel Macron and his prime minister halted the protest.

The protesters numbered about 500 in Dijon, 650 in Saint-Etienne and about 500 in Puy-en-Velay, according to officials, with clear increase figures compared to previous rallies.

In Bordeaux, between 500 and 1,000 people protested, according to police and 9,000 organizers, despite the rain.Macron on de Emmerde“.”When will we see a respectable vaccine?“,”Broken hope“, Can we read the symptoms?

A Bordeaux opponent was not vaccinated against Govt-19. “But not against the vaccine“, Said the scroll”For the first time in his life“Because the words of the President”The camel’s back was broken“.

The conflicts between the demonstrators and the police destroyed the demonstration in the Mandelani, which was 3,700 people according to the province. In Toulouse, incidents also occurred, numbering 2,200, according to the province.

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In the east, Haut-Rhin Prefecture reported that 1,250 protesters had marched on Golmar and 1,900 on Mulhouse. According to Boss-Rin, there were 1,500 of them in Strasbourg.

In Paris, 18,000 people gathered at three processions, 10 were arrested and three policemen were injured, the ministry said. In the rest of the country, there were 87,200 people on the street, with 24 arrests and seven police officers slightly injured, according to the ministry.

On Sept. 11, authorities counted 121,000 people across the country protesting against vaccination and ill health, and on Aug. 7 an estimated 237,000 pvkarticipants.

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