This video was posted by “NEXTA” media on Twitter. This Belarusian news channel also adds the headline “Putin frees #Lubansk from invaders”. It’s hard to say exactly when. The exact location was not specified, but according to the Daily Mail, the images appear to have been taken in the Luhansk region of eastern Ukraine.
In this video, a vehicle drives in front of a mass grave that is several kilometers long. The cemetery is decorated with flags, flowers and photographs of fallen soldiers.
Last June, Russia formally announced that 97% of Luhansk had been “liberated”. An important strategic move, because it made it possible to capture the industrial center of Ukraine.
The Daily Mail notes that the capture of the city was controversial in the country. In fact, about thirty soldiers were left on the front lines by their commanders. They would have asked to be transferred to Russia. Other footage also shows the Russians retreating from an attack on the southern city of Kherson.