Hitler Salute, Campaign …: Ten years after killing 77, Breivik asks for his release

Ten years after Norwegian right-wing extremist Anders Behring Breivik killed 77 people in Norway, the explosions erupted on Tuesday, the first day of a painful and precursor-destroying process to demand his release. The prisoner can make a request legally, but is unlikely to succeed.

Study time: 3 minutes

S.The outcome of the procedure, which was transferred to the Sky Prison gym where he is being held for security reasons, seems to be a foregone conclusion, with relatives of the survivors and victims fearing that Breivik will create an ideological platform.

The 42-year-old militant confirmed their fears: the goat, who had shaved his head and adorned himself, entered his briefcase and his dark robe with the words “Stop your genocide against our whites” and saluted the Nazi politicians towards the journalists. When the three judges arrived. To the judges, he described himself as a “parliamentary candidate for the Nazi movement.” Morning time was set aside to read the 2012 verdict, the names of the victims and the circumstances under which they died and legal considerations. Unperturbed as usual, Breivik was summoned by order of Judge Doug Bijorwick, and in the middle of the trial, he again waved his identity.


The families of the survivors and victims reacted strongly to the attention given to him, and the three-day procedure was fully aired with some delay by some media. “I do not think it should be shown on Breivik TV because it is ‘slanderous’ or ‘painful’,” tweeted Elin L’Strange, a survivor of the attacks. “Because he is a symbol of the far right, he has already instigated many mass murders.”

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On July 22, 2011, Breivik detonated a bomb near government headquarters in Oslo, killing eight people and then 69, mostly young people, during a shooting at a working youth summer camp on Utøya Island. In 2012, he was sentenced to 21 years in prison, with the possibility of extension, a minimum of ten years – a maximum of that time. “Like any other legal provision, an offender has the right to apply for parole, and Breivik has decided to exercise this right,” his lawyer stein Storrvik told AFP before the trial.

Test for the rule of law

In a country that has not seen such violent crimes since World War II, the general opinion is that parole claims are unlikely to succeed. But it is seen as a test to overcome the rule of law by treating the extremist like any other lawyer.

“Whoever kills children, hunts down those who flee to kill them, and kills those who beg for their lives, it is difficult for all of us to benefit from the liberal aspects of justice. In an editorial in the newspaper Verdens Gang on Tuesday. “He must have the rights that the rule of law gives him. It is not for his benefit, but for our benefit. No terrorist can change the model of our regime and the legal rights that apply to all Norwegian citizens,” he stressed.

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