Eric Jemmoor, fined 10,000 euros for inciting hatred, appeals

The Paris Criminal Court has handed down its verdict against far-right presidential candidate Eric Gemmer, who was tried in November on CNews for describing unsupported minor immigrants as “thieves”, “murderers” and “rapists” in his absence. He has already announced that he will appeal against the verdict.

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LFar-right presidential candidate Eric Gemmour was fined 10,000 euros on Monday for inciting hatred by a Paris criminal court for his comments about unsupported immigrant minors. Judgment announced by his lawyer that he would appeal.

He ruled that it was “ideological and nonsense”: “During this trial, a dozen anti-racist associations and twenty departmental councils, mainly leftists, filed civil cases within three months of the first round of the presidential election. He condemned the candidate in a statement, saying it was “urgent to expel ideology from the courts” and condemn the organization’s attitude towards independence.

This routine legal action was taken in 2020 for describing unsupported minor immigrants on the CNews channel as “thieves”, “murderers”, and “rapists”, pending a verdict during a trial last November.

The candidate for the Supreme Office, who boycotted the hearing on November 17, did not appear Monday before the 17th Reform Room to read the verdict. Eric Zemmour, who has already been prosecuted on several occasions for racially abusing, inciting hatred or crimes against humanity, was summoned to appear in court this time for his comments on unsupported small immigrants.

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“Permanent Invasion”

During the debate on CNews on “Face à l’info” after the September 29, 2020 attack on Charlie Hebdo’s former locals, the plaintiff confirmed: “They have nothing here, they ‘re thieves, they’m murderers, they’ The rapists, that’s all, they should be fired, they should not come. “

The “contemptuous, outrageous views” and “limits of freedom of expression” that show the “violent rejection” and “hatred” of the diaspora have been exceeded, which has prosecuted the public prosecutor’s representative.

“There is not an ounce of racism in Eric Gemmore” he says only “truth”, sometimes “in a brutal way, with his words”, provoking “a political position” and supporting me Oliver Bardot.

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