Bad Bunny Powerbombs a girl who calls out during a pillow fight in a new music video

Bad bunny He continues to show his appreciation for real sports.

On Sunday, the King of Latin Trap released a new video for his song No Me Quiero Casar (translated: “I don’t want to get married”). At the end of the video, Bad Bunny is partying with a group of women in his hotel bed. He ends up getting into a pillow fight with them and hits one of them with a powerbomb, then hits the other with a crossbody.

The music video is the latest professional wrestling-influenced project from Bad Bunny, which also Wrestling promo cut To appear in October 2023 on Saturday Night Live.

Watch the new video for “No Me Quiero Casar” below:

He doesn't want this smoke

In an interview with Mark Raimondi espnLogan Paul was asked if he would face Bad Bunny in a match.

“I'll leave it to Triple H. But I will say one thing: Mr. Bunny doesn't want that smoke,” Logan Paul said. “I'm independent, we eat rabbit for breakfast.

Paul praised Bad Bunny's talent as a musician, but said they could always settle their differences in the squared circle.

“It's good, but it's lean. I'm pushing 250,” Paul said. “That's the crazy thing about WWE 2K23, it has the same rating as me. Maybe I don't know anything, maybe we're alike. Maybe let's settle this in the ring.”

Bad Bunny last wrestled at WWE Backlash 2023 in Puerto Rico. He earned a win over Damien Priest in a San Juan street fight.

Read more: The 5 Greatest Matches in WWE History Backlash

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