A Bulgarian MEP pays homage to the Nazis in the semi-finals of the European Parliament (video)

Angel Zambaski, a member of the euroseptic group ECR, climbs the exit steps of the hemicycle and, just seconds before departure, turns around and stretches out his right hand in front of him, as can be seen in the video of the debate. Site of the European Parliament.

“We will never allow you to tell us what we have to say and what to do. Long live Bulgaria, Hungary, Urban, Fidesz and Europe of national nations,” the elected representative of the Bulgarian nationalist party VMRO had previously declared. On the hemicycle table.

He described the EU court ruling as “disgusting” on Twitter, confirming a mechanism that would allow European funds to be embezzled on Wednesday, found violations of the law, and Budapest and competed. Warsaw.

The Vice President of the European Parliament, Italian Pina Piccierno, led the discussion, announcing that the company would “check with cameras what happened on this hemicycle to see if there was a hello fascist”.

“We will not accept fascist gestures and symbols in any way. If this happens, it will be very serious and sanctions will be taken,” he warned.

Clement Beyonc, the French foreign secretary for European affairs who was part of France’s EU presidency, reacted on Twitter, saying the gesture was “slanderous and outrageous.” The French delegation to the centralist group Renew Europe called on Roberta Metsola, president of the European Parliament, to “act.”

The rules of procedure of the European Parliament state that MEPs must abstain from “any inappropriate conduct” and “any offensive comments”. In the event of non-compliance with these rules, the permit may be specifically related to participation in parliamentary proceedings or allowances.

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