Washington warns that a nuclear attack by Pyongyang would “finish” the regime

“Any nuclear attack by North Korea against the United States or its allies is unacceptable and will bring the end of Kim Jong Un’s regime,” he added, following a meeting between U.S. officials and South Koreans that promised “swift, massive.” And the affirmative answer.”

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South Korea, an ally of the US and Japan on the issue, again warned North Korea on Wednesday that it could face “terrible destruction” if it engages in “irresponsible” actions on the Korean Peninsula.

Seoul, Tokyo and Washington last week announced “new trilateral initiatives” to counter Pyongyang, including a move to share real-time data on North Korean missile launches.

North Korea put its first spy satellite into orbit last month, after threatening the US and South Korea that it was “on the brink of nuclear war” on the peninsula.

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In September, North Korea confirmed its status as a nuclear power in its constitution.

In November, Washington and Seoul revised, for the first time in a decade, a 2013 strategic military agreement that would allow the two allies to “prevent and respond more effectively” to Pyongyang’s development of nuclear capabilities.

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