War in Ukraine: Washington warns Russia “for hours” over Joe Biden’s move

“We gave the Russians good warning that President Biden would be traveling to Q. We did it hours before he left,” said Jake Sullivan.

A White House adviser in Kiev clarified that “because of the sensitivity of these exchanges,” he did not want to know “how they responded, or what the exact nature of our message was.” .

The US president arrived in Kyiv on Tuesday for an extraordinary visit to Ukraine, the first since the Russian invasion began on February 24, 2022.

The trip was organized in great secrecy.

Joe Biden appears in Kyiv for a historic visit

Joe Biden took off from an Air Force base near Washington early Sunday morning. However, Kate Bedingfield, the White House communications director, said it would not be possible to disclose how the US president traveled to the Ukrainian capital until “the trip is fully completed”.

According to Jack Sullivan, “additional logistical and operational security measures were required” by the US state to “bring an inherently dangerous operation to a manageable level”.

“Of course, there was always risk (…) in a business like this, and President Biden felt it was important to make this trip,” the adviser said.

Only two journalists were allowed to accompany the President.

Mr. to Kiev. Biden’s visit — the first by a U.S. president to Ukraine since 2008 — brought together several European leaders in the Ukrainian capital and Mr. Trump in Washington in December. Zelensky also follows.

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