Barriers to starting work

The viability of the tunnel project between Morocco and Spain under the Strait of Gibraltar divides experts from the two countries. This week, the National Society for Studies of the Straits of Gibraltar (SNED) told the press, “A project of this scale requires comprehensive planning in many aspects: decision-making at the highest level, technical studies, specific studies, promotion forums and specialized institutions, the search for funding and implementation methods, the application of legislation. ..”.

Read: Tunnel between Morocco and Spain: work to start soon?

SNED believes that conditions are not met to start work on the tunnel in 2025, in anticipation of the 2030 World Cup, which will be co-hosted by Morocco, Spain and Portugal. On the other hand, this sports event will help accelerate the implementation of the project, SNED adds.

Read: Gibraltar Tunnel: Still a long way from ground level

The technical feasibility of the project and its cost are the main obstacles to its implementation. “It costs too much. This is one of the reasons why it has been delayed,” Rafael García-Monge, engineer of roads, canals and ports and secretary general of the Spanish Society of Studies for Sustainable Communications, recently told El Independiente through the Straits of Gibraltar (SEGEGSA). . According to studies carried out thirty years ago, the estimated cost of tunneling under the strait was 13 billion euros. Today this amount is expected to double.

Read: Morocco-Spain tunnel, by 2030?

The Morocco-Spain tunnel project under the Straits was reactivated during a high-level meeting in Rabat in April 2023. It was first mentioned in 1989 and a bridge was built to connect Africa to Europe. This option was abandoned in 1995 in favor of a 38.7 km long railway tunnel, including 27.7 km by submarine. The Moroccan-Spanish joint commission is expected to hold a new meeting on the project in May or June.

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