War in Ukraine: The Story of the Extraordinary Mission of Ukrainian Spies in Russia That Weakened the Russian Army

Details of an unprecedented operation in August 2023 have been revealed, with Ukraine's air defenses down. In this, a group of Ukrainian spies has drawn attention, Ukrainian media Novinarnja reported.

The objective? Shoot down three Toepolev Tu-22 supersonic bombers lurking deep in Russia. Colonel Ole Babi was chosen to lead this battalion. Known for his qualities as an intelligence officer in occupied Ukraine and Russia since the start of the war, the man aimed to gather intelligence and organize and support the opposition.

The team will begin shooting down these deadly bombers in August 2023, which can travel at a speed of 2,300 kmph and carry 24,000 kg of weapons. To carry out this mission, the spies had to travel to a military airfield located in the Russian city of Soltsi, in the Novgorod Region, located in northwestern Russia, about 600 km from their starting point. They covered this distance on foot and on August 19 used drones to destroy one bomber and damage two others.

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After successfully completing their mission, the team members faced a major obstacle on their way back on August 30. In fact, it is an ambush set for them, forcing them to engage in battle with the Russian invaders, GUR reported. Heroically, Colonel Ole Bobby hides his men, giving them a chance to escape, and loses his life.

Later, the Ukrainian president personally awarded the colonel the posthumous title of “Hero of Ukraine” in a ceremony in front of his wife and two children. The mission would cripple the operation of Russian airfields, cause significant economic losses to Russia, and destabilize the military and local population.

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