USA: New storm hits California, two dead

I amThe latest storm to hit California has caused massive flooding after a dike collapsed on the Bajaro River on Saturday, killing two people and forcing thousands to evacuate.

“We thought to avoid it, but the worst case scenario is that the Pajaro River overflows and breaks its banks at midnight” (Friday to Saturday night), Luis Alejo, a county official, tweeted on Saturday. Located in Monterey, California. the beach The California National Guard’s Twitter account showed images of people being rescued from their cars by the floodwaters.

At least one road washed out Friday in a small community in Santa Cruz County, north of Monterey County.

On Friday, the director of emergency services for the governor of California, Nancy Ward, announced that the storm “unfortunately (…) has left two people dead.” The flooding was caused by another storm that hit California, already battered by a particularly rainy winter in recent weeks.

23 cm of rainfall is expected in some places. This rain from a warm depression may melt some of the exceptional snow cover that has accumulated over the past three months. It’s enough to make the waterways of this state in the west of the country overflow uncontrollably.

US President Joe Biden on Friday approved a state of emergency declaration in California to facilitate federal aid. Several evacuation orders were also issued, particularly in Northern California.

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