War in Ukraine: Pensioners, sick… Moscow admits “mistakes” in mobilization

Russian officials vowed to correct “mistakes” made within the framework of the demobilization ordered by President Vladimir Putin, which sparked an outcry after calls from people who were supposed to be exempted.

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EOn Wednesday, Mr. Putin insisted that only those with military experience or “relevant” skills would be invited.

But several cases of people over combat age, sick or exempt, have sparked outrage on social media and embarrassment and concern from officials. In the Volgograd region (southwest), a 63-year-old retired soldier, suffering from severe diabetes and brain disorders, was evacuated from the training center where he was summoned, officials said. In the same region, the director of a small rural school, 58-year-old Alexandre Faldin, received a mobilization order when he was not serving in the army. After her daughter’s video was posted on social networks and shared widely, she was able to return home.

Two of Putin’s relatives are very concerned

This Sunday, the world Reuters reports that two senior Russian parliamentarians have criticized Russia’s campaign to mobilize reserves. They will demand an immediate end to “excessive actions” by local authorities to better control a situation that is shaking Russian society.

For good reason, some of the latest recruits have not even done their military service, contrary to Defense Minister Sergu Soyko’s declarations that the future fighters will only be those with “special military” skills ” or “combat experience”, as recalled. the world.

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“Unacceptable Violations”

The criticism came from Valentina Matviyenko, head of Russia’s Federation Council and head of parliament. It would have declared that men were called up without being eligible for mobilization. “Such violations are totally unacceptable. I consider it completely normal that they provoke a strong reaction in society,” he wrote to regional governors via telegram. According to her, the latter bears “full responsibility” for implementing the mobilization. “Ensure that the implementation of partial mobilization is carried out with full and complete respect of the defined criteria. Without even the slightest error.”, she continues.

Vyacheslav Volodin, the speaker of the Duma, the lower house of parliament, echoes his words: “Complaints are being registered”. “If a mistake is made, it must be corrected (…). Officials at all levels must realize their responsibilities and act.”, he declared.

According to Russian officials, 300,000 Russians are involved in the mobilization campaign. And the Kremlin has denied mobilizing more than a million people. Non-governmental organizations say more than 2,000 people have been arrested in anti-mobilization protests.


The overtures are a fresh example of the institutional problems that have accompanied Russia’s offensive against Ukraine from the start. On Saturday, the Defense Ministry announced that the top official in charge of logistics issues would be replaced by General of the Staff heavyweight General Mikhail Mizhintsev.

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Although the authorities present isolated cases of mobilizing people to be exempted, their announcements show a pattern of concern in the face of angry reaction from a section of the population.

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