Update the situation

This is the first set of obstacles, “he said.To go beyond“Target activities include, in particular, financial actions against Russian lawmakers who voted for recognition, and against Russian banks.

Berlin can do without Russian gas

Germany will eventually be able to do without Russian gas, and it still depends heavily on its energy today, if necessary, economics and climate, German Minister Robert Habeck said Wednesday.

Gas prices have risen again in Europe

Gas and electricity prices have risen again In Europe on Wednesday in the wake of tensions between Russia and Ukraine.

Putin “Be open to conversation

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday “emphasized the nature.Bargaining is unspeakable“His country’s interests and security, he says he’s willing to find, while he’s proud of his military capabilities.”Diplomatic solutions“In the crisis with Ukraine.

Invasion “Very possibleAccording to London

British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said on Wednesday “Very possibleVladimir Putin wants to occupy Ukraine and capture its capital, Kiev.

The UK has said it is ready to provide loan guarantees of up to $ 500 million to Ukraine to mitigate the impact of the Russian invasion.

Beijing blames Washington

China on Wednesday blamed the United States.Pour the oil over the fire“In Ukraine.

The United States is selling arms to Ukraine, escalating tensions, creating panic and exaggerating the war schedule.Chinese diplomatic spokeswoman Hua Xunying told reporters.

In Belgium: A National Security Council

Prime Minister Alexander de Groo convenes the National Security Council (CNS) This meeting at 2 pm on Wednesday is dedicated to the situation in Ukraine.

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