United States: insults, provocations … again CNN, Trump Trump

This “town hall,” a grand ritual of American politics, was the first media appearance of a former U.S. president after he was found guilty of sexual assault. Donald Trump has derided his accusations as “crazy.”

Un An embattled Donald Trump made his big comeback on CNN on Wednesday, amplifying his provocations and spats for the 2024 election and replaying his favorite score as a candidate to applause from his fans.

This “town hall”, a major ritual in American politics, was the first media appearance of a former US president after he was found guilty of sexual assault by a court in New York. Donald Trump has long mocked his accuser as “crazy.”

The exchange was a risky exercise for CNN, which hasn’t appeared in such form since the election of Donald Trump in 2016. Chanel, with whom he had a fractious relationship, was accused of handing him a megaphone despite his lies in 2020. He lost the election to Joe Biden.

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And, on Wednesday evening, Donald Trump once again claimed at home — without evidence — that the ballot was “bad.”

You’d have to be “an idiot” not to recognize that, quipped Republicans with a red tie. The former president, a favorite for the Republican primary, is not committed to accepting the outcome of the 2024 presidential election.

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There is no chance that New Hampshire was chosen for this “town hall.” The state, bordering Canada, is the first to hold its Republican primaries in early 2024. A win would guarantee Donald Trump valuable momentum for the rest of his campaign.

In front of a devoted and often hilarious audience of Republican primaries — voters eager to cast their ballots in the Republican primary — the former president offered bell-and-socket comments on many of the burning issues of American news. He threw a stone in the pond by urging his Republican colleagues not to default on the US debt unless there were “massive” budget cuts.

The former White House tenant, known for promising to build a “wall” along the Mexican border, called Thursday a “shameful” day when an influx of migrants is expected due to the expiration of a health measure.

He was very evasive about the war in Ukraine, refusing to say for sure whether he favored victory for Kiev or Moscow.

On abortion, an issue Republicans are increasingly uncomfortable with, Donald Trump again declined to say whether he would enact a national ban on abortion.

He ramped up his attacks against Joe Biden, his potential challenger in 2024, vowing to “put serious pressure on him.”

“Not a good man”

The exchange was often tense. “You’re not a good person”, “you don’t know what you’re talking about”… the former president has repeatedly insulted rising moderator Kaitlan Collins on CNN.

Under his presidency, the billionaire redoubled his attacks on the media, particularly CNN, which he described as “enemies of the people.”

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Last October, the former president even filed a complaint against the channel, which he accused of defaming him to prevent him from contesting the 2024 elections.

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