War in Ukraine: Ukraine PM warns of ‘migrant tsunami’

Denys Chmygal accused Moscow of wanting to “plunge Ukraine into a humanitarian catastrophe,” excerpts from his interview with the German Sunday newspaper “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung,” which were communicated in advance.

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LIn an interview to be published on Sunday, Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmykal warned of a “new immigration tsunami” if Russia continues to attack his country’s civilian infrastructure. This Saturday, new Russian strikes targeted energy infrastructure in western Ukraine.

“If there is no electricity, no electricity and no water in Ukraine, it will trigger a new migrant tsunami,” said Denis Simikal.

Russia “wants to give Ukraine a cold winter during which people will literally freeze. This will lead to a planned humanitarian catastrophe, the likes of which Europe has not seen since World War II,” he warned.

The Ukrainian prime minister is due to hold a bilateral meeting with Olaf Scholes in Berlin on Monday and participate with the German chancellor in an economic forum bringing together representatives of German and Ukrainian companies.

In his interview in FASMr. Schmyhal also called on Berlin to supply Ukraine with new munitions in the coming days to repel Russian airstrikes.

“More than $750 billion” in damage

Schmyhal wants to use frozen Russian assets abroad for the reconstruction of Ukraine. Damages from Russia’s attacks are now “more than $750 billion,” he said.

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At the same time, he pointed out that Russian assets worth $300 billion to $500 billion have been frozen. “We need to create a mechanism to confiscate Russian assets,” he said.

After the German-Ukrainian economic forum on Monday, President Volodymyr Zelensky will deliver a video speech, and an international conference on the reconstruction of Ukraine will also be held in Berlin on Tuesday.

“We need to invest a lot” in Ukraine’s reconstruction, Chancellor Scholes said on his weekly podcast, which aired on Saturday.

“Ukraine cannot do it alone, the European Union cannot do it alone. Only the international community that currently supports Ukraine can do this. And she will have to do it for a long time,” he said.

Attending this Berlin conference of experts on Tuesday, M.M. Scholz and Schmyhal, as well as European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. Volodymyr Zelensky will also deliver a video address.

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