Ukrainian detonates grenade at city crowd, injures 26 | Various facts

A local official detonated a grenade at a town meeting in western Ukraine’s Zagarpattia region on Friday, injuring 26 people, the national police said.

Images released by authorities show a man entering a small room where several people are already seated. After a short conversation, he grabs his bags and throws what appear to be bombs on the ground. Several large explosions and panicked screams followed before the video cut off.

National police said a local official “detonated a bomb” at a town meeting in the village of Keretsky in the region. Twenty-six people were injured, six of whom were in critical condition, he said, adding that doctors were trying to revive the accused. No motive has been indicated by the Ukrainian authorities at this point.

Many Ukrainians have had access to weapons since the Russian invasion began in February 2022.

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Putin’s Ukraine War Plan Until 2026

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