Twitter erupted over video of British woman arrested for praying silently across from abortion clinic: ‘Terrifying’

Conservatives and free speech activists on Twitter criticized a recent video depicting police interrogation and In the end A pro-life woman prays silently outside an abortion clinic in the UK.

Those who witnessed the woman’s arrest were appalled after admitting she had been “praying in my head”. Some have claimed that this was evidence that Great Britain had become a dystopia.

The woman who was arrested, Isabel Vaughan Sprouse, is the director of the UK’s March for Life.

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A British woman has been arrested for praying silently outside an abortion clinic in Birmingham, UK.

According to the Freedom Defense Coalition United Kingdom (ADF UK), Vaughan Sprouse “was standing near the Robert BPAS clinic in Kings Norton, Birmingham in an area ADF UK called the ‘censorship area’, when police approached her after a bystander complained that she might be praying outside an abortion facility.”

According to the ADF UK, the Birmingham authorities have created buffer zones near abortion clinics, making it illegal for people to engage in behavior that refuses or approves of abortion. This includes “graphical, verbal or written means, prayer or advice”.

The clip shows the woman standing silently on a ledge opposite an abortion clinic as British law enforcement officers approach her. One asks why she is standing there and he replies that she is there because of the abortion clinic. It denies being part of any protest.

Then the officer asks: “Do you pray?” She replied: “Perhaps I will pray in my head.” The officer then asked her if she was willing to go to the station to inquire about her actions. She replied, “If I had a choice, then no,” after which the officer said, “You are under arrest” and claimed she was charged with “suspicious failure to comply with an order to protect public places.”

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Anglican priest Reverend Calvin Robinson criticized what he saw in the tape, saying: “This is terrifying. What have we become?! Under a conservative government as well.”

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Jim Snavelly, of Huntsville, Alabama, waves to passing cars while holding an anti-abortion sign in front of the Alabama Women's Health Center in Huntsville, May 17, 2019. (AP Photo/Eric Schultz)

Jim Snavelly, of Huntsville, Alabama, waves to passing cars while holding an anti-abortion sign in front of the Alabama Women’s Health Center in Huntsville, May 17, 2019. (AP Photo/Eric Schultz)

Catholic author and founder of Compact Magazine Sohrab Ahmari tweeted, “Do you have a license to pray in Madam?”

Life advocate Emily Rarick wrote, “This is utter madness. How could someone be arrested for praying?”

Virginia GOP delegate Nick Freitas took the opportunity to remind users of George Orwell’s dystopian world, tweeting, “1984 was a warning, not a guide.”

RedState deputy editorial director Brandon Morse explained, “If abortion advocates don’t believe in God and think praying is actually ridiculous, what are they afraid of?”

Conservative critic Lauren Chen tweeted, “People are literally getting arrested for… Thought crimes in the UK. Freedom of speech is not a Western value, but a uniquely American value.

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Neil Gardiner, former aide to the late former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, said: “This is appalling. It is a shame to see a woman arrested simply for praying on a British street. This should not happen under a Conservative government, and it should be action that It was taken by the Minister of the Interior to ensure that such scenes do not recur.

National Review staff writer Nate Hochman tweeted, “Sorry but imagine not having a First Amendment.”

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