Twenty dead dolphins off the coast of Istanbul, the aftermath of the war?

Turkish private channel NTV reports that a volunteer from an animal welfare charity found the bodies of 24 dolphins off the coast of Akasili, north of Istanbul on the Black Sea coast, and alerted authorities.

Study time: 2 minutes

BMore than 20 dolphins have been found dead off the coast of Istanbul in the Black Sea, with experts questioning whether it was linked to the war in Ukraine.

Turkish private channel NTV reports that a volunteer from an animal welfare charity found the bodies of 24 dolphins off the coast of Akasili, north of Istanbul on the Black Sea coast, and alerted authorities.

Gendermary took their remains to determine the cause of death of the animals.

The effect of war?

“The shores on the other side of the Black Sea are a battlefield. Died of chemicals in water? The cause must be found, “said Gurgan Kazoklu, a volunteer who discovered the dead dolphins, referring to the Ukrainian Black Sea border.

The Turkish Maritime Research Foundation said in a statement on Saturday that “there has been an unusual increase in the number of dead dolphins off the west coast of Turkey’s Black Sea.”

In general, most dolphins are trapped and killed in fishing nets or pelagic trawls, but the Foundation states that the reason for their unprecedented rise and concentration in the Black Sea remains unclear.

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“We are examining the effects of climate change, abnormal maritime traffic, fish migration and the intense military operations of dolphins moving south,” the foundation added.

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