Towards Charles Michel’s return to the Belgian political scene? “Everything points to him getting ready for it.”

This Wednesday, Ursula von der Leyen delivered her State of the Union address. The Commission president himself is expected to win the European referendum in nine months.

It can’t be that way for Charles Michael. The President of the European Council is completing his second and final mandate of two and a half years. A president can serve a maximum term of five years.

Is its future still in Europe? As Politico explains, he may be tempted to apply for the position of High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs, but then he will become Ursula van der Leyen’s commissioner, which seems complicated given their relationship. What’s more, Charles Michael alienated European leaders, especially during the Sofagate episode, who blamed his work methods and his excessive spending. So re-election looks complicated on the European scene.

Acquaintances of Charles Michael discuss his extravagant tastes: “behavior inappropriate compared to the manners of the European Union”

Since then, the 47-year-old liberal can return to the Belgian political scene. According to economic site Business AM, which relied on the testimony of highly-placed sources at Vivaldi, “Everything points to him (Charles Michael) getting ready for it. We feel it.”Confirms this evidence. “We must never give up on Michel. Even if Bouches is president, he can change the direction of his party in the blink of an eye. At least he thinks so.”Another source says.

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