Explosion report for Marine Le Pen as the second round against Emmanuel Macron approaches?

As France begin the home run of the 2022 presidential election, which will face Emmanuel Macron and Marine LeBron in the second round, Mediapart Decided this Saturday to issue an embarrassing statement to the far-right candidate. In it, we learn that the EU Anti-Fraud Office recently sent out a note accusing Marine Le Pen of fraud.

The report, which was submitted to the French judiciary last month, alleges that while the candidate was a private MEP, he embezzled nearly 140,000 euros of public money. At the end of the report, which is considered “sensitive” by the European Union’s European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), it is recommended that the RN candidate “repay 136,993 euros”.

Total 600,000 euros!

The European Anti-Fraud Office has accused Marine Le Pen (RN) and his cousins ​​of embezzling about 600,000 euros in European public money during their time as MEPs, according to a new report released by Mediabard on Saturday. French justice. Asked by the AFP, the Paris Attorney’s Office confirmed that it had received the report on March 11, which is currently being analyzed.

Marine Le Pen’s lawyer AFP Me Rodolphe Bosselut responded during the second round of the presidential election campaign, saying “I am surprised to see the always strong time for disclosure” and its “instrumentation”.

Me Bosselut added, “I am appalled by the way Olaf operates (European Anti-Fraud Office), without contradictions and for some as” facts more than ten years old. “

He added that Marine Le Pen “had not been called by any French judicial officer” and regretted that neither he nor his client had received the final report.

According to him, Olafin’s trial has been open since 2016 and Ms Le Pen was interrogated by mail in March 2021.

Olafin’s new report, published by Mediabart, states that the fees that political groups could use in the context of their mandate as MEPs and that Marine Le Pen and his relatives used for national political purposes, personal expenses or services. Business benefits close to the National Rally and the far-right parliamentary group Europe des Nations et des libertés (ENL).

Olaf Marine Le Pen, three other former MEPs – his father Jean-Marie Le Le Ben, his former comrade Louis Alliot and Bruno Colneish, a member of RN’s National Office – and ENL.

The office alleges they swindled about 600,000 euros, of which a refund is recommended. According to the report, the National Rally candidate had personally embezzled about 137,000 euros of public money from the Strasbourg parliament when he was MEP between 2004 and 2017.

Since June 2017, Marine Le Pen has also been prosecuted during a trial in Paris on suspicion of fabrication work by party aides in the European Parliament. He has been charged with “public financial fraud” and “complicity” in the crime as part of a judicial inquiry.

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