In the event of an accident in France: the rest of the fireflies to Taubira, the first prime popularizer

Hissé à tàte de ce scrutin citoyen davsavoué par trois autras grands candidats de la gauche,…

What attracts more and more people to covid volunteerment? “On the fait des cilins et on a bu dins mime verre”

These nominees personally cherished the first contaminant of the Covid afin profit of the congregation, for…

The point is on the pandemic in the monde

Nouvelles messengers, nouveaux bilans and faits marquants: one point on the dirnier’s evolutions in the pandemie…

“His daughter is a few years older than me, and his son is a few years younger.”

Posted on Saturday, January 29, 2022 at 11:06 AM. Bridget, 26, is in a relationship with…

This is an update on the epidemic on January 28th

New Activities, New Reports, and Highlights: An update on the latest developments in the Govt-19 epidemic…

Bolsonaro refuses to present himself to the police

The President of Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro’s pas presents vendred devant la police devant laquelle a juge…

‘Partygate’: British police capture corruption and cause outrage

British police on Friday sparked outrage by calling for a long-awaited executive report on the Downing…

Washington threatens to use gas weapons if Moscow attacks Ukraine

The fate of this controversial gas pipeline between Russia and Germany was never wanted by Washington,…

Ukraine: The United States refuses to write Russia’s key request, but seeks a “diplomatic path”

The Americans and the Atlantic Alliance simultaneously issued two separate letters to the Russians requesting a…

Boris Johnson, who was called to resign, defended himself against the delegates

Boris Johnson defended his tooth and nail on Wednesday, facing criticism from the opposition, and his…