This incredible twist allows the investigation to move forward, “Teamwork!”

After a nine-month trial, it was A rebound No one expected anymore. Since the disappearance of two-and-a-half-year-old little Emilie in Haut-Vernet (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence), investigators have been searching in vain for a clue to learn more about the events of July 8. Eventually a hiker moved the investigation forward.

It took months to get a clue. In fact, little Emile's skull was discovered on March 30 by a woman walking not far from the hamlet of Haute-Vernet. On a path “below” the village, she finds part of a child's skeleton. A discovery made Change the survey And allowed me to see things more clearly.

Emile's death at Haute-Vernet: this improbable twist captured by journalists

From the beginning of the investigation, little Emeline's disappearance was highly publicized. Chain BFM DICI, based in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region, found himself in the field several times, questioning residents and following police searches. The channel's journalists were also there first Evidence is available Mountaineer. Behind the scenes of the exclusive revealed by the editor-in-chief of the channel to our colleagues TV star.

Valentin Doyen, editor-in-chief and presenter of BFM DICI's news, explained how his team discovered the route of the trek. “First a press release from prosecutor Chaumont announced the discovery of the bones. BFMTV later identified and refined it as a skull”, prompts our colleague. “On our side, We were able to identify Maxim (BFMTV journalist for BFMTV, Editor's note) was able to contact him before providing this information. Teamwork!”.

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Two-and-a-half-year-old Emil's disappearance: These secrets from the boy's family

This is not the first time that BFMTV crews have been the first to release information regarding little Emily's disappearance. Questioned by Télé Star, Maxime Brandstaetter said he was one of the first journalists to speak to the boy's relatives after the tragedy. “I am the firstOn Sunday, July 9, to talk to Emily's grandfather and parents”, he explains.

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With their consent, we published this photo of the child with a flower behind his ear”, trusts the journalist who specializes in news items. Little Emil's intimacy with his parents soon ends. In fact, the family prefers to be discreet: “They let us know that trying to contact them was futile and that they would no longer respond. And I respect that”. Subsequently, Mary and Columban S. to the Catholic media. Christian magazine.

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