“Third round begins tonight”: Jean-Luc Mன்சlenchon confirms candidacy for PM

Rebel French leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon responded this evening to the victory of Emmanuel Macron. The Prime Minister confirmed the candidateAnd Emmanuel Macron announced “Poorly elected President of the Fifth Republic“, After describing the non-selection of Marine Le Pen as” good news “.

The ballot boxes have decided. Madame Le Pen was attacked and France refused to hand over her future to him, which is good news for the unity of our people“, He announced.

Emmanuel Macron is the worst elected president of the Fifth Republic. Its presidential monarchy is under the control of default and a pro-choice. It floats in a sea of ​​neglect, empty and vacuum votes.

In this situation my thoughts turn to the future victims. Those living on the RSA are required to work 20 hours free of charge. Worn people who retire after three years. People are financially strapped and who doesn’t see prices being blocked. Those who know how criminal Mr. Macron’s ecological inaction is. People who see with sadness that the state is destroyed and the country is being torn to pieces.

I say to all of you: do not resign yourself, but rather, openly, take massive action. Democracy can once again provide us with the means to change course. 3rd round starts tonight!

Legislative elections are scheduled for June 10 and 19. You can beat Monsieur Macron and choose a different path! Another world is still possible, and if you choose the majority, I mean the majority, the representatives of the new popular union should be expanded.

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The crowd that formed around my candidacy in the presidential election is no longer in this country. If the third estate expands together it will change everything.

“When I call on you to elect me as Prime Minister on June 12 and 19, I truly invite you to bring a new common future for our people.”

“Courage, action, determination, death and resignation will always be denied. Long live France, long live the Republic.”, He finished.

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