The woman was hiding several weapons in her underwear

On December 1, 2022, customs stopped the couple at the Øresund Bridge between Denmark and Sweden. Two Belgian nationals are said to be on the road to attend a wedding. However, when agents asked for more details about the bride and groom, the man failed to respond. Also, the woman was not carrying any luggage with her. As a result, the customs officials decided to check the vehicle.


Apart from the weapons the woman had on her person, the search also found nine others hidden in a hidden place on the dashboard. This is the largest seizure ever made by Swedish customs. “It’s good that we were able to prevent these 15 guns from entering the country before they fell into the hands of criminal gangs,” said Christian Johansen, a spokesman for the customs department.

Customs Offenses Section

According to the defendant’s version, the weapons were recovered in Germany and were to be delivered to Stockholm. The woman, on the other hand, said that she did not know what they were meant for and that her husband told her to hide them under her clothes.

Customs Offenses Section

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The couple was arrested for allegedly smuggling weapons. He faces four to seven years in prison. The prosecution wants the man and woman to serve their sentences in Sweden before they can be extradited and be banned from entering the country for 15 years.

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