The free horror game is a nightmare version of the N64 Goldeneye

screenshot: Jaime / Jaime / Kotaku

The introductory level of golden eyes 007 On the Nintendo 64 is one of the most popular video game areas. Cloudy skies, low-res rock walls, sniper towers, and the tunnel leading to an underground maze. Remember how that slowly causes your game to become more and more caused by an unknown entity? Wait, that’s not how it goes…

Agent No. 6 It is a short horror shooter currently available on PC Whatever price you want via Itchio. The game was released a few months ago, but I stumbled upon it earlier today and with The latest version of golden eye on Xbox and Switchseemed like a perfect time to check out this scary little FPS that was initially developed during the game jam.

This horror shooter plays like a lot golden eyes 007the game Agent No. 6 It’s clearly inspired when you look at similar AKs, such as AK-47-like rifles and silent pistols, and the health and shield system is near-identical as well. And at first, things are pretty normal. Explores a base that appears to be attached to the iconic dam level from golden eyePick up guns, open doors and kill guards with ease.

But then things change once you enter a strange tunnel that leads to a large, maze-like underground area. At this stage Agent No. 6 It starts to glitch visually. Even more dangerous is that the game starts mentioning bugs and unknown entities that are not supposed to be at this level. Eventually, as you get deeper into the underground bunker, things start to go off the rails.

Horror Games X / JaimeJaime

I won’t spoil the rest of the game as it only takes players about 15 minutes or so to finish and is worth experiencing first hand, especially if you golden eye a fan. If you don’t have the time or the stomach Agent No. 6there How-to videos online It will let you enjoy it.

If you want more GoldenEyLike the electronic procedure, I recommend checking out the Steam demo for Agent 64: Spies never dieAnd An upcoming shooter that uses modern technology to recreate the feel of the N64’s retro shooter.

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