Tesla files lawsuit against Swedish Postal Agency as union fight escalates

Tesla has filed a lawsuit against the Swedish Postal Agency after the country’s postal workers refused to hand over license plates in solidarity with striking car service workers.

like CNBC reportsThe company describes postal workers’ refusal to hand over license plates as a “discriminatory attack” and says the Swedish government has a “constitutional obligation” to hand over license plates to vehicle owners.

About 130 workers at seven Tesla repair shops in Sweden walked out last month on orders from their labor union, IF Metall, the country’s largest union of manufacturing workers. Tesla refused to negotiate a collective bargaining agreement with striking workers. Other unions announced their support Including dock workers Who won’t take Tesla cars off cargo ships.

About 130 workers at seven Tesla repair shops in Sweden walked off the job last month

On November 20, postal workers joined the escalating strike in solidarity by refusing to deliver Tesla mail. The carmaker’s lawsuit aims to change a strict policy with the Swedish Transport Agency, whereby license plates must pass through the state-run postal company called PostNord. The agency will not allow Tesla to receive the plates directly or via other methods.

Tesla has been accused of resisting unionization at facilities in the United States, including firing pro-union workers in retaliation for trying to organize in Buffalo, New York, and suppressing employees from discussing wages in Orlando, Florida.

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