Tensions Ukraine – Russia: “We are preparing for the response to the aggression” (Macron)

French president warns: “In the case of aggression (Russian against Ukraine), there will be an answerWesterners are trying to unite in support of Kiev, which fears a Russian military offensive.

The United States on Tuesday made a new arms supply to Ukraine under the eyes of cameras. Washington continues to show its support for Kiev.

With more military equipment, there is also the warning of the US president. Joe Biden He says he is personally ready to take sanctions Vladimir Putin, If the Kremlin leader orders an attack on Ukraine.

Westerners are trying to unite against Moscow. Witness the meeting between the President of France today, Tuesday Emmanuel Macron And the German Chancellor Olaf Scholes.

During the press conference, the German president was asked about his refusal to supply arms to Ukraine.In recent years, the federal government has actually decided not to supply dangerous weapons in many cases. There are reasons for this, based on growth in recent decades. Nevertheless, it is true that in recent years we have done a lot to strengthen economic growth and democracy in Ukraine. We have done this with the financial opportunities at our disposal, but also within the framework of the international responsibilities we have.

Russia has been conducting military exercises in several areas near Ukraine.

At the same time, Moscow accuses Washington of throwing stones. Dmitry Peskov, Kremlin spokesman: “At this point, the US-Russia talks have come to an end. They need to get a written response from the United States before they can understand when and in what form they should proceed. Hope it happens this week. What we see now on the US side is, unofficially and officially, an increase in tension – we’ve talked a lot about it over the last few days, but nothing has changed. We look at these American maneuvers with great concern.

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Many countries facing the risk of conflict have decided to deport the families of ambassadors working in Kiev.

Canada has announced this after the United States and the United Kingdom.

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