Taxes: What changes in tax declaration

I amThe 2023 notification for Personal Income Tax (IPP), released by Finance Minister Vincent Van Pettechem on Wednesday, has several new features, notably gender neutrality in joint notifications. Previously, males were automatically in the left column and females in the right column. Now only age is taken into account, and the oldest fills the left column.

About half a million taxpayers will be affected by the change. “Our society is changing and so are aspects of our lives,” says Mark Cousens, SME Executive at FPS Finance.

Additionally, FPS has announced a new deadline for reporting. While the deadline for the paper version is set for June 30, online, the date will be extended to July 15 for public policy and simplified notifications, and October 18 for self-employed or foreign income notifications. Professional income.

Additionally, voluntary overtime worked between 100 and 220 hours will be exempt from tax in 2022 as part of the recovery plan. From July 2022, a separate levy of 33% has been announced on the taxable income of pensioners working in the care sector. And in the socio-cultural and sports sector, additional activities not exceeding an annual income of 6,540 euros are taxed at a lower rate.

Regarding the installation of charging stations for electric cars, it has been announced that there will be a tax reduction for expenses incurred from September 1, 2021 to August 31, 2024, and an increase in the threshold amount per charging station from 1,500 to 1,750 euros.

Read more Taxation: A non-gendered tax declaration makes its appearance

Additionally, child tax credit is now possible in joint parenting. Until FY 2022, only parents who have adopted the child for tax purposes can benefit from it. From 2023, half of the tax credit applies to each parent (maximum 240 euros per parent).

Finally, in some cases, cadastral returns of real estate abroad are pre-filled, only for tax and “standard” situations on the Internet. As a reminder, it is mandatory to report the property to SPF Finance and mention the cadastral income in its tax declaration.

In 2022, FPS recorded 264,173 notifications submitted on paper, which is 16% less than the previous year. Henceforth, taxpayers who activate e-box in MyMinfin will only enter their declaration online and will no longer receive it in hard copy. A reduction in economic and environmental costs, according to FPS funds.

Taxpayers can complete their tax returns by Wednesday. Those who still want to finish on paper should get it by the end of May. If they still haven’t received it by June, they should contact FPS Fund.

The tax authority has also announced that they will not be caught in the hands of the taxpayers in case of mistakes. No sanction will be imposed and a letter will be sent to inform them and ask them to modify their notification.

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As with last year, people who need help filling out their declaration can call the SPF or visit one of the 300 participating municipalities. About 85,000 appointments have already been made with those who sought help last year.

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