Swedish EU diplomat Johan Floterus has been imprisoned in Iran for more than 650 days.

Swedish EU Ambassador Johan Floderus has been held in an Iranian prison for more than 650 days.


Johan Floterus, who works for the EU diplomatic service and lives in Brussels, was arrested at Tehran airport after a tourist trip to the country. The European Union considers him to be “unlawfully detained” and the victim of a practice of “hostage diplomacy”.

His family tried to raise public awareness during a demonstration organized in Brussels.

“I can see in the photos of his test that he is very different from the brother I know. I see that he doesn't really have that light in his eyes. He is very thin and very pale, of course, he doesn't go out all the time. Outside and I know, he doesn't eat much, the pain Not to mention, he should be on his own to stay there, now he's accused of something, maybe they want to give him the death penalty. So, that means he's alone, and there's not even a Swedish ambassador in Iran now.”, says Johan's sister Ingrid Floderus.

Johann Floterus spent 300 days in solitary confinement, and was held hostage in a cell lit 24 hours a day.

For the first 10 months he was unable to contact his family. After several fasts, his phone calls are very few and far between and he has only made two video calls in the last two years. He should do them in English.

“As you ask, my English is not very fluent because I'm Swedish, but we have to speak in English during these calls. It's the other party's request. It's monitored and we know he interrupts. If he says something he doesn't want, call him. So how's my brother doing?” It's hard for us to know.” Ingrid Floderus testifies.

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Iran Johann Floderus accuses what he calls “corruption on earth”. He believes he was spying for Israel. The maximum penalty is death.

“He's innocent. I don't think anyone thinks my brother committed the crimes he's accused of.” So this is a big political game in which my brother is being used as a pawn. That's really, for me, something I can't accept. I don't think we should accept that as a nation or as an EU. “, Ingrid, the prisoner's sister, insists.

His trial began in December and ended last Sunday. No date for judgment.

Video editor • Vasilis Klinos

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