“She will be very good in Ukraine”

Anthony Garnett’s story never ceases to fascinate the entire world. The 29-year-old left his wife Lorna days after welcoming a 22-year-old Ukrainian fugitive into his home in Bradford, West Yorkshire. A cruel decision for his girlfriend as Tony takes her to be with Sofia Karkadym… the young Ukrainian refugee in question. Soon, his story made headlines around the world.

But four months after welcoming Sophia into his home, Tony deeply regrets the choice. Accused of neglecting her children in the weeks that followed, she broke up with Sofia, denouncing the Ukrainian for interfering in her relationship with her two children. Despite their separation, Sofia, she apparently did not move on.

In fact, this week, “I love you, Tony!” She shouted and tried to break down her ex-boyfriend’s door before the police allegedly found her hiding in the bushes. She was arrested and released shortly after. British media tell us that this Saturday, the young woman may return to Ukraine.

Back to Ukraine?

The young woman’s mother asked Tony. “In love, everyone has their own destiny. At first we weren’t happy with her decision, but she said she loves you and it’s a serious relationship. But it’s over. We want her to come home,” explains the mother.

For his part, the young man explains that his love story is completely over. “I spoke to him and told him that there was absolutely no way we could get back together. Sometimes it has to be cruel to be kind. She would be much better off in Ukraine. »

So Sofia plans to return to the country, “I can’t live like this anymore, my family wants me to come back,” she says. Tony told me last night. But I don’t know what my future holds because my country is at war and the situation will get worse. I found England to be a beautiful place with nice people. I feel safe here. But I feel better when I’m with Tony. »

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