School: ‘We shouldn’t extend school hours, but reorganize them,’ pleads Bruno Hambeck, an educational psychologist at UMons

Will the school schedule change? After embracing the school calendar, some politicians want to embark on reforming the school day. For example, an extended day until 5pm, which offers more sports or cultural activities in the afternoon. QR l’actu looks at this idea of ​​reform with the educational psychologist Bruno Humbeek. According to him, the program should not extend the school hours, if daylight is seen, but rather reorganize it: “It would be interesting to adapt to the daily rhythms, the circadian rhythms. In fact, it is better to take that into account. Sometimes the brain works more efficiently. From 9 a.m. to noon is optimal. Time and it’s during this period that most of the stuff should be put in between noon and 3 p.m., instead of lightening up the work, and then it starts again between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m.”

Bruno Humbeek insists that if we undertake this reorganization of school hours, it should not alter the working days of parents. “If we can implement such a change around the well-being of the child, the reform is interesting”. This model can be similar to what is done in Germany, and it gives good results, the educational psychologist underlines: “The experience in Germany attests to positive effects on results at school. For sports and culture”.

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