‘Russians are fighting for homeland security’: Putin seeks to provoke conflict in Ukraine in line with 1945

“I am addressing our armed forces: you are fighting for the motherland and its future,” Putin said in a speech in Red Square, marking the victory of the May 9 conventional and symbolic military parade. Millions of Soviets about the Nazis and the sacrifice in 1945. Two-and-a-half months after the start of the invasion of Ukraine’s neighbor, fighting has intensified in the Donbass (east), and Russia has had to reverse its ambition to seize the country in the face of fierce opposition from armed Ukrainians. By Westerners.

The Russian president is trying to put the conflict in Ukraine on the straight line of 1945, constantly qualifying the enemy as a neo-Nazi. In front of thousands of soldiers marching in the shadow of the Kremlin’s red walls, Vladimir Putin reconsidered his decision to invade Ukraine on February 24, reiterating that Kiev was preparing to launch an offensive against the pro-Russian separatists in the Donbass. , Wanted to equip with a nuclear bomb and was supported by NATO. “A completely unacceptable threat is emerging on our border,” he reiterated, accusing his neighbor of being neo – Nazi and calling his attack a “preventive response” and “the only good decision.”


Since Vladimir Putin came to power in 2000, the May 9 march has celebrated both the Soviet victory over Nazi Germany and the rediscovery of Russian power after the humiliation of the fall of the Soviet Union. In Moscow, police stationed in a parade through the city center wore the letter “Z” on their right shoulder, which has become a symbol of support for the attack in Ukraine, as it adorns the vehicles of the forces. Conflict.

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During a march in Novosibirsk, Siberia, World War II Z-stamped vehicles passed through the city. As the Soviet Union lost 27 million civilians in the war, Mr. Putin placed May 9 at the heart of Russian patriotism.

Faced with this horrific record, the Russian president on Monday stressed that Russia’s duty is to avoid a new world war, while many fear that the conflict in Ukraine will escalate. “It is our duty to remember those who crushed Nazism (…) and to do everything possible to prevent a recurrence of the horrors of World War II,” he said. Shortly before the speech, at 10:00 am (0700 GMT), when the bells of the Kremlin’s Tower of Spaskaya rang, Army Commander Oleg Salyukov and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu reviewed troops in the Aras who could change command.

March of the “Immortals”

A few minutes ago, Vladimir Putin arrived on the official stage, shaking hands with World War II veterans with medals on their chests. After his speech, dozens of vehicles and tanks passed through Red Square, including 11,000 soldiers and strategic missile launchers. Among them, the returning units from the Ukrainian front.

The airspace had to be canceled due to inclement weather, and we had to see the Ilyushin Il-80 “Apocalypse aircraft” designed for Russian leaders during the nuclear war. Finally, as always to mark the victory of 1945, parades of “indestructible regiments” take place across the country, with participants carrying portraits of soldiers from the “Great Patriotic War” of 1941-1945. In Moscow, the demonstration, which is heading to the Kremlin, is expected to unite one million people, according to the town hall.

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