Russia says Ukrainian bombing of bakery in east kills at least eight | War in Ukraine

At least eight people were killed and 10 wounded in a Ukrainian bombing at a bakery in the occupied city of Lysizansk in the east of the country, Russian occupation officials said on Saturday.

According to pro-Russian officials, Ukrainian forces attacked a building housing a busy bakery and the toll is expected to rise.

“According to current data, a bakery explosion in Lysychansk resulted in 8 deaths and 10 injuries of varying severity,” Natalia Pashchenko, health minister of the Lugansk regional authorities, said in a Moscow-founded Telegram.

Russia's Emergencies Ministry said earlier that rescue operations were ongoing.

Leonid Paceknik, the Russian-installed governor of Luhansk, accused Kiev forces of targeting the bakery, which he said sells fresh bread on weekends.

RIA Novosti published a video of a destroyed building, where rescue workers are also seen removing a completely crushed car from the rubble. The one-story building had a large sign with the name “Restaurant Adriatic” and was completely destroyed.

Before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the population of Lysizansk was 111,000.

Russian forces took control of it in the summer of 2022, as did its twin city of Severodonetsk in one of the fiercest battles since its offensive began in February 2022.

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