Russia says it hit a train carrying Western weapons

Its purpose is to disrupt deliveries and military cargo traffic.
Dragon Boskovic /

Update on the situation – Russia carried out a series of strikes on Ukraine's railways, which were stable before the attack.

Blinken says there will be Russia's war in Ukraine “difficult” Without Chinese help. Two deaths in Russia and Ukrainian territories occupied by Moscow. A Ukrainian minister suspected of corruption was freed after paying a large sum of almost 2 million euros. Le Figaro Analyzes the situation.

Ukraine: Moscow says it hit a train carrying Western weapons

The Russian military said on Friday it had attacked a train carrying Western arms in the Ukrainian region of Donetsk (east), the announcement after a series of strikes on Ukrainian railways.

“A train carrying Western weapons and military equipment was attacked near the town of Udachne,” the Russian Defense Ministry said without further details on the outcome of the strike.

United Kingdom: Man accused of “hostile action” in Russia's interest

A 20-year-old British man has been charged “hostile action” For the benefit of Russia by attacking “Businesses related to Ukraine”The prosecution and police said in a statement on Friday. “Dylan Earl, 20, Suspected of Targeting Ukraine-Linked Companies to Benefit Russian Government”Nick Price, head of the case's counter-terrorism unit, noted that four other men had been indicted on less serious charges in the case.

Two arrests in Russia for “terrorism” in the interest of Ukraine

The Russian Security Services (FSB) announced on Friday the arrest of two people suspected of participating in an organization in the Volgograd region (southwest). “terrorist” and plans to launch a bombing campaign to benefit Ukraine. The suspects confessed “National-Socialism/White Power (NS/WP) on Ukrainian territory after contact with leaders of terrorist organization”, the FSB said in a press release. This neo-Nazi group, founded in Russia, was classified “terrorist” by the Russian authorities.

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According to the FSB, the arrested duo admitted they had shared “Notions of Racial and Religious Superiority” Promoted by this organization. Two 17-year-old suspects “Received detailed instructions for making a bomb at home” And wanted to target a police station, a military station, as well “Restaurants and Meeting Places”, according to the FSB. Arms, ammunition and a country-made bomb were seized from their houses, the press release added. Both the arrested persons face up to 20 years in prison “Participation in the activities of a terrorist organization”.

Antony Blinken says Russia's war in Ukraine will be difficult without China

U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said Friday that he has raised concerns with China about its support for Russia, saying the invasion of Ukraine could be more. “difficult” Without Beijing's support. “It will be difficult for Russia to continue its attack on Ukraine without China's support”Anthony Blinken told reporters after a meeting with top leaders in Beijing.

Two people were killed in Moscow-occupied territories of Russia and Ukraine

Two people were killed and two others wounded Friday in Ukrainian bombings in Moscow and occupied territory on Russian soil, local officials said, respectively. “Shelling of the city of Novodrushsk (…) damaged private houses and apartments”The administration of the municipality of Lysizansk, a large Russian-controlled city bordering Novodruzhek, was mentioned in the telegram.

“One died of his wounds and two men were wounded by shrapnel”, added this resource. Novodroujesk is a pre-conflict city of nearly 8,000 people on the front line in the Luhansk region, which is controlled by Moscow in western Ukraine. “A resident was killed” Friday's Ukrainian strike hit the Russian region of Kursk, a small town near the common border, regional governor Roman Starovoit said in a telegram.

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A Ukrainian minister suspected of corruption has been released after posting a large bail

Ukrainian Agriculture Minister Mykola Solsky, arrested Friday on corruption charges dating back to before he entered government, was quickly released after posting nearly 1.8 million euros in bail, his ministry said Friday.

Mykola Zolski, who resigned on Thursday. “He was released on bail of 75.7 million hryvnias”Or about 1.78 million euros, his ministry promised “Continuously assumed his duties”. Anti-corruption activists say this is the first time a serving minister has been detained in Ukraine.

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