“Russia could attack a NATO country within three to five years”: Denmark expresses its concern

Russian military action against NATO countries highlights a more serious threat than expected, adding its voice to Danish intelligence warnings. Rob Bauer, head of the NATO Military Group, emphasizes the urgency of adapting to a new and unpredictable era. This week, Denmark, through its intelligence services, is warning of an intensification of Russian pressure on NATO countries, with the possibility of a buildup of Russian troops on member states' borders.

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In a statement to Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, the Danish defense minister expanded on these fears. He said a Russian attack on NATO could happen within three to five years, calling into question NATO's Article 5, which states that an attack on one member state is an attack on all. This new information replaces NATO's previous assessments.

While the West has been reluctant to provide new aid to Ukraine, Russia has revived its defense industry and acquired weapons and ammunition from countries such as Iran and North Korea. The Danish Defense Minister emphasizes the need to take this situation seriously, saying that Russia's ability to produce military equipment has significantly increased, which will allow it to launch attacks faster than expected in terms of military capability.

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