Restructuring: Bourne, Tenormandy, Lecorne… Macron returns Matignon's Rubik's Cube

To justify this Sunday's tête-à-tête, if Eysée highlighted the “bad weather and the arrival of a cold wave in the Pas-de-Calais”, the beginning of the establishment of a new government architecture is taking shape.

Emmanuel Macron has been reviewing his options for Matignon for several days, with two candidates emerging: Julien Denormandie and Sébastien Lecornu. Elizabeth Bourne's continuity cannot be ruled out.

“Everything is possible… including anything”, summed up a close friend of Emmanuel Macron, after extensive consultations this week with Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire, and the president is phosphorous in reorganizing his team. Edouard Philippe, via François Peyrou.

The latter assessed the “change” as “necessary” on BFMTV on Sunday.

The habit of allowing the clocks to run during previous shifts was Mr. Those close to the head of state promise a swift response to whatever happens, while Macron has received it.

An influential adviser says the president is in a “crystallization phase” and “things will change at the beginning of the week, probably with a new prime minister on Monday.”

Besides… finding a resident of Matignon requires delicate calculations, and “there aren't many choices,” notes one history walker. Olivier Dussopt (Labour) on CNews/Europe 1 is enough to call on ministers to act with extreme caution, such as refusing to “play the trifecta” on Sunday.

According to several sources in the administration, the list seems to have narrowed down to two names: “Lecornu and Tenormandy”, although “with the president, it is always unpredictable”, says a loyalist of the head of state.

The fight revives an ancient battle within the majority between ex-Macronists, of whom Julien Tenormandy is a member, and stalwarts from the right such as Sébastien Lecornu.

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First, 43, has been traveling for a decade following Emmanuel Macron, with whom he almost founded a startup in 2014, when he left for Percy as vice-president to the man who was then economy minister. .

En marche, the flagship of the 2017 presidential campaign! Engineer, Mr. Tenormandy then headed the housing ministry, then agriculture, before reorienting himself to the private sector in 2022. He assured the audience that if given the opportunity, he would not refuse Matignon.

For his part, Sébastien Lecornu, 2017 Mr. After aligning with Macron, he weaved the same web as two other former prime ministers from the Republican Party (LR), Edouard Philippe and Jean Casteaux.

The 37-year-old Minister of Armed Forces, after working in overseas territories and communities, Mr. Lecornu, with several elected mandates (Chairman of the Ure Department, Senator, Mayor…). An even more intriguing profile at a time when we have to deal with a relative majority in the Assembly and a right-wing dominated Senate.

However, Elizabeth Bourne “is not condemned: everyone pronounces their funeral rites … but we are moving a little too quickly”, warns a close friend of the head of state.

After 20 months at Matignon, Ms. Bourne never dropped his suit as a bona fide executive, passing 30 bills including 6 invoking Article 49.3. Already a starter last summer, he was able to prove his resilience and loyalty to any test.

The current prime minister is “damaged”, LFI delegation leader Mathilde Panot said on Sunday, leaving only “bad choices” to replace Emmanuel Macron, unable to initiate a real “break” in the political ranks. .

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After deciding on his prime minister, Emmanuel Macron will attack the entire government, with two slogans: “Reduce and renew”. A big project, but “stability has many virtues in these times of great upheaval, as far as economics and finance are concerned,” argued France 3 Bruno Le Maire in a post on Percy from 2017.

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