Putin has called on the Ukrainian military to “seize power” in Kiev and oust Zhelensky and his cousins, the “neo-Nazis” and “drug addicts.”

He did not fight with the military units in Ukraine, but against nationalist organizations that use civilians as “human shields” and behave “like terrorists.”

Mr Putin called Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky and his ministers “a group of drug addicts and neo-Nazis who have settled in Kiev and taken the entire Ukrainian population hostage.”

Moscow has been calling Ukrainian authorities “neo-Nazis” or “junta” since 2014, and Mr. Although Zhelensky was of Jewish descent, war broke out between separatists and Kiev forces in eastern Russian-speaking Ukraine.

Allegations of “drug addiction” surfaced during the 2019 presidential election. Indicates that it was started by Zhelensky’s opponents, in which he was conveniently elected.

Russia accuses Ukraine of collaborating with armed forces close to the far right, citing one of the aims of its invasion as “destroying” Ukraine.

Mr Putin on Friday accused the government of “acting like a terrorist”.

Ukraine compares Russia’s actions to those of “Nazi Germany” during World War II.

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